Makes about 6-8 servings
- 8 hot cross buns
- 4 eggs
- Pinch of salt
- 500ml cream
- 5ml vanilla essence
- 100g your favourite dark chocolate
- Small chocolate eggs
- Butter
- 30ml Rum (optional)
- Light a CobbleStone and wait a few minutes until it has turned grey. Or, if you don’t have a CobbleStone on hand, ready your briquettes in the COBB Cooker.
- Place the Frying Pan on the COBB Cooker and leave it for at least 5 minutes until it has heated up.
- Place the cream, eggs, vanilla, rum and pinch of salt in a large mixing bowl and whisk until well mixed.
- Break the hot cross buns, slice the butter into pieces and break the chocolate into chunks. Layer the hot cross buns, butter and chocolate in camping cups/ramekins ending with a piece of hot cross bun.
- Pour the cream mixture over each individual cup/ramekin and let it stand for 10 – 20 minutes.
- Place in the COBB Cooker and let it bake for 30 minutes until puffed up and the cream mixture is set.
- Place little Easter eggs on top of each hot cross bun & chocolate bake and enjoy.