Frequently Asked Questions | COBB Online

Reuben Riffel

“I love cooking outside and the Cobb makes it super easy to do that, anytime and anywhere”



Mira Weiner

“Cooking on the COBB is so easy + versatile plus you can cook anywhere but the kitchen which is great for us as we take our kitchen with us wherever we go”

Clement Pedro

“You don’t have to visit a restaurant every time you want a delicious steak. It’s done perfectly, every time on the COBB”

Traveling Wild and Free

“Being on the road and in all of these awesome places means we cook a lot outdoors and what better companion than the portable COBB to cook wherever and whenever we need it, no matter the weather”

Get Outdoors Africa

“We love the COBB cause we are able to cook almost anywhere from outdoors to indoors on cold or rainy days. Quick, easy and convenient, the COBB way”

COBB Ambassador | Reuben Riffel

Reuben Riffel

“I love cooking outside and the COBB makes it super easy to do that, anytime and anywhere”

COBB Ambassador | Mira Weiner

Mira Weiner

As a passionate plant based advocate who aims to inspire people to cook creatively, measure with their soul and eat more plants ~ the COBB is the perfect outdoor cooking appliance to whip up whole food plant based deliciousness in nature.

You get to cook, create and munch anywhere but the kitchen

It’s so simple to ignite and once you’ve got it going you can do multiple cooks with it ~ from grilling, baking and roasting to stir frying and smoking. It’s also an energy efficient cooker too.

COBB Ambassador | Clement Pedro

Clement Pedro

“You don’t have to visit a restaurant every time you want a delicious steak. It’s done perfectly, every time on the COBB”

Traveling Wild and Free

Traveling Wild and Free

We are Warrick and Chantel; Warrick is the outdoor chef and Chantel is the professional food critic. We live permanently on the road traveling to all of Southern Africa’s Top holiday destinations – we live out of our tiny yet amazingly cool caravan “DUSTY”. Being on the road and in all of these awesome places means we cook a lot outdoors and what better companion than the portable COBB to cook wherever and whenever we need it, no matter the weather.

Get Outdoors Africa

Get Outdoors Africa

Hi, I’m Gustav Penny, the founder of Get Outdoors Africa. I’m an avid adventurer and outdoor enthusiast who loves spending time in nature, road tripping, cooking, and enjoying moments with my family and fur babies. We love the COBB cause we are able to cook almost anywhere from outdoors to indoors on cold or rainy days. Quick, easy and convenient, the COBB way