Serves 4


  • 4 big brown mushrooms
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 Tbsp salted butter
  • 2 cloves freshly crushed garlic
  • Full-cream cottage cheese or cream cheese
  • 1 packet of streaky bacon, diced


  1. Prepare and light your COBB with 1 CobbleStone.
  2. Place the Frying Dish and the dome lid on your COBB and let it heat up for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Fry the bacon with the dome lid off for about 15-20 minutes until crisp or to your liking.
  4. Trim the mushroom stems to the same height as the brown fins.
  5. Mix the crushed garlic into the softened butter and spread generously and gently across the mushrooms. Add black pepper to taste.
  6. Spread a generous dollop of cream cheese carefully over the whole mushroom to cover it.
  7. Place Grill Grid & Fenced Roast Rack on the COBB and cover with Dome Lid. Heat up for 5 minutes. Place mushrooms on Roast Rack and sprinkle bacon on top. Bake for 20 minutes with lid on or until mushrooms are cooked through.