
Serves 4-8


  • 6 Large eggs
  • Fresh parsley (optional)
  • 200g Cheddar (grated)
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Foil tart tin (or any round shallow dish that will fit on your Roast Rack)

tsp = teaspoon



  1. Prepare and light your COBB Cooker with a ½ a CobbleStone or 5 pieces of briquettes
  2. Place the Grill Grid, Fenced Roast Rack and the Dome Cover on your COBB Cooker and let it heat up for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Crack open the eggs and whip them up in a mixing bowl.
  4. Chop up your ingredients and add them to your egg mixture – season with salt & pepper.
  5. Pour mixture into foil tart tin and sprinkle cheddar on top.
  6. Place dish/tin on top of your Fenced Roast Rack.
  7. Bake for +-40 minutes in total, or use a testing stick to poke through the frittata – if the stick comes out dry the tart is ready, if not, continue to bake until ready.
  8. Remove from Roast Rack and serve hot or cold.
  9. Can be enjoyed as a snack or as a main meal accompanied by a fresh salad.