
How to do a Whole Chicken on the COBB

COBB Blog | How to do a whole chicken on the COBB

Wondering how to cook a whole chicken on the COBB? You may assume that such an unassuming, compact cooker won’t handle the task of cooking an entire chicken at once. These cookers are incredibly versatile, however. With the right accessories, you will be able to cook up delicious roast chicken easily. You will be able to have a proper Sunday lunch while you’re camping or enjoying time in the garden. No oven needed! Keep reading to find out how to cook a whole chicken on the COBB.

Cooking a Whole Chicken on the COBB

Some tips for cooking chicken on your COBB include the following:

Choose the right size chicken

You will need to choose a chicken that is the right size for your COBB model. Trying to fit a larger chicken into a more compact model will not work, for obvious reasons. With that in mind, do some quick measurements of your cooker or use the manufacturer guidelines to get an idea of the size. You can then use these dimensions when choosing your chicken. You want the chicken to fit into the cooker, allowing it to cook evenly. 

The overall COBB models have a size of 330 x 330 x 300 mm, where with the COBB Supreme, you have a size of 530 x 380 x 600 mm. In conclusion, you will be able to fit a bigger chicken in your COBB Supreme model

Get a few essential accessories

The right accessories are also essential. There are a few useful accessories that you can get for your cooker. The most useful one of all is the COBB Dome Extension. This will make everything much easier. Included with the Dome Extension is the Chicken Roasting Stand. The extension elevates the dome, allowing you to roast chicken in an upright position. This ensures that the chicken is evenly cooked.

Get cooking!

Once you’ve got your chicken and your cooker is ready with the Dome Extension, you can get cooking. You can season your chicken however you like. Just as you would with any other roast, make sure the meat is prepared so that it is nice and crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside. Use your cooker to prepare your side veggies and you’ll have an entire meal ready in one go. 
Shop our range of cookers and accessories to cook the perfect whole chicken on your COBB cooker now.

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