
Category Archives: Cobbing Questions

Answering our most frequent Cobbing Questions, stay up to date with our Cobbing Questions for Cobb on our blog posts

How to Steam Food on your COBB

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Unlock the Flavorful Potential of Steaming on Your COBB
Who says outdoor cooking can’t be healthy? The COBB grill isn’t just a grilling powerhouse; it’s a versatile champ that excels at steaming too. Steaming is a gentle cooking method that preserves nutrients and delicate textures, making it perfect for everything from succulent seafood to crisp-tender vegetables.

Ready to expand your COBB repertoire and embrace the world of healthy steamed dishes? Let’s dive in!

Why Attend an In-Store COBB Demo

COBB Blog | Why Attend an In-Store COBB Demo

While you’ll certainly get plenty of tips and advice right here on the website, attending a COBB demo is a great way to see this cooker in action. Demonstrations are done to showcase exactly what products can do, giving you a chance to ask questions at the same time. At an in-store COBB demo, you […]

How to do a Whole Chicken on the COBB

COBB Blog | How to do a whole chicken on the COBB

Wondering how to cook a whole chicken on the COBB? You may assume that such an unassuming, compact cooker won’t handle the task of cooking an entire chicken at once. These cookers are incredibly versatile, however. With the right accessories, you will be able to cook up delicious roast chicken easily. You will be able […]